Business Ethics and Transparency Target Group

Leader: Bácsfalvi András


The mission of the Target Group is to increase the standard of business ethics in Hungary with a special focus on the fight for a business environment free of corruption, illegal employment practices and fraud. We endeavour developing ways and means to avoid such practices and lobbying for the implementation of respective programmes with the government, non-governmental organisations as well as with private sector enterprises.

  • In the first half of the year, the Target Group held three working groups at ALTEO, Telenor and MOL member companies, where we conducted a professional dialogue and shared good practices including the introduction of a new compliance system, anti-corruption practices and a recently published Code of Ethics and Conduct.
  • At the Budapest Business School, on 12 May we held the traditional "Ethics in the School" workshop for MA students.
  • In the second half of the year, we will hold our first autumn target group at PwC Hungary.

  • Throughout 2016 our Target Group was operating in line with our tradition to hold frequent meetings with one of our members. In 2016 we visited four members to engage in various discussions: ABB Ltd., BAT Hungary, EY Hungary and Horváth & Partners DLA Piper.
  • We updated the ’Frequently Asked Questions and Answers’ document which is available under Initiative.
  • Apart from our internal meetings we kept on striving to find new channels in addressing current and future business leaders. For this purpose, we organised two conferences with the support of GE.
    The event in spring was about the integration of ethics and compliance into advertisements and other sorts of corporate communication. We welcomed Noémi Alexa (Central European University), István Szabó (KPMG), Csongor Hajna (Provident) and Dr. Ildikó Fazekas (Secretary genera Hungarian advertising self-regulatory board).
    The next major programme was held in November in which we walked through from different perspectives how cyber risk evolves and what kind of impacts it can leave on everyday business. Our distinguished speakers included Balázs Sinka (MOL), Gábor Tarján (Magicom), Ádám Csíki (EY) and Dávid Kőhegyi (DLA). 
  • We continue the partnership with BCE, the second workshop titled Ethics in School was held for MA students.
  • In cooperation with CEU, we organised a workshop for business ethics experts again.

(Click to download!)


Membership of HBLF is part of a practical demonstration of a company's commitment to improvement in pursuing responsible business practices, and a way of accessing HBLF's unique practice-based knowledge, innovative and strategic leadership programmes and resources to help build capacity for implementation.

If your company would like to join HBLF, please contact us!

Tel:+ 36 30 180 6291


If your company would like to join HBLF,  follow the steps below


1. Choose the Membership level

  • Principal Supporter
  • Council Member
  • Corporate Member
  • Supporter Member



2. Fill out our online form here and download the Membership Declaration Form and agree with the content of the HBLF Charter Form.



3. Please send the original Declaration Form to the HBLF Office.

Address: 1067 Budapest, Podmaniczky u.31. 3. em. 18.



4. Become a Member

The Board of Directors shall evaluate the application at its next meeting where a simple majority decision is required for admission. Membership shall be constituted by the resolution on admission and the payment of the membership fee.
All companies and organizations constituted as legal entities registered in or having an official representative in Hungary and private entities are eligible for membership of HBLF. Legal entities shall be represented by their chief executive. Membership in HBLF is open to all eligible person and entity.
If you would like to have more information, please read the HBLF Charter Form.



Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (Hungarian version)

Are you uncertain what is exactly business ethics? What are the typical topics? Or you have taken the right decision? Follow the summary of the FAQ!



Recommending the Code of Ethics

HBLF's Ethical Code is the result of research. Our Target Group professionals reviewed dozens of corporate and business ethics code during the preparation period, and completed with several 'best practices'. We believe that the recommendation is suitable for any company that is interested in sustainable operation, increase shareholder value for a long-therm and representing the stakeholders. Be it small, medium or large company. Multi-national, regional, or local operation. Whether public, private, private or owned by the state.



Questionnaire survey of ethics institutions of the TOP 200 companies in Hungary

The aim of the research is to examine the ethics institutionalization of Hungarian companies with the highest income based on the list of Figyelő TOP 200.




Az etika vállalati intézményesítése



Associate members
