HBLF Diversity Award 2024

Submission of applications: October 15

The HBLF EU Diversity Charter Hungary, established in 2016, announces the Diversity Award for the sixth time. The awards will be presented at the 2024 HBLF Year-End and Charter Signing Ceremony.

HBLF’s mission is to spread responsible corporate governance and progressive management solutions, proven in the European space, in Hungary as well, thus being a dedicated pioneer in the conscious management of employee diversity.

Over the past decade, diversity management has become a key element of organizations' sustainability and business strategies. Award recipients can use this recognition as a reference in their employer branding and CSR activities.

Winners' activities will be featured on the HBLF and European Diversity Charter websites, newsletters, social media platforms, and press materials. Their achievements will be highlighted at the award ceremony among companies/organizations committed to the value of diversity, offering opportunities for further partnerships. Awardees are invited to all HBLF Diversity Charter events for a year.

Applications are free, with no financial obligation upon submission.

Categories of the HBLF Diversity Award:

  1. Diverse Organization of the Year
  2. Diversity for Society
  3. Diversity Ambassador

The award is intended to recognise the progress and achievements of applicants in the field of diversity management, according to the following subcategories:  


  • "Committed": Organizations committed for less than 5 years, supporting up to three diversity groups with measurable results.
  • "Change Makers": Organizations active in diversity management for 5-10 years, supporting more than three target groups with measurable commitment to workplace equality and corporate culture.
  • "Pioneers": Organizations supporting multiple diversity groups for over 10 years, showing significant results in corporate culture and workplace equality, visibly impacting their environment.




With this award, we aim to recognize the organization that uses its external communication, media platforms, appearances, or volunteer activities to promote diversity, inclusion, and equality, thereby contributing to the improvement of local communities' quality of life, increasing the equality of disadvantaged groups, and the sustainable development of Hungary.



Who can apply in categories 1 and 2:

  • Small and medium enterprises (total number of employees under 250, annual net revenue not exceeding 50 billion Forints (2023); non-profit organizations, educational institutions, civil organizations, social entrepreneurs
  • Large enterprises (total number of employees over 250, annual net revenue exceeding 50 billion Forints (2023)

Application conditions for categories 1 and 2:

The applicant:

  • supports the results presented in the application with data
  • takes responsibility for the validity of the data presented in the application
  • allows the evaluators to conduct (pre-arranged) interviews with employees in managerial and subordinate positions
  • is listed in the Hungarian company registry
  • is not on the NAV debtors list or BAR list
  • has not received fines from the Labor Inspectorate, Competition Authority, or Public Procurement Authority, and has not been sanctioned by the Labor Court in the past 3 years

Evaluation criteria for categories 1 and 2:

  • what diversity challenge did it aim to address (business case)
  • in what form did it develop diversity and inclusivity (implementation)
  • how does it measure effectiveness and impact (metrics, impact measurement)

Applicants are informed that our reviewers undertake full confidentiality regarding the business data learned in the applicants' materials.

We particularly consider the following criteria when evaluating applications:

  • effective, creative implementation of the values of the Diversity Charter
  • effectiveness, impact: e.g., range of involved/affected participants (proportional to company size), scope, number, satisfaction of beneficiaries, business impact, generation of cultural change
  • development of corporate policy: coherence, synergy, and credibility of business activity and results achieved in diversity




With this recognition, we reward the activities of those individuals who, beyond their job duties and responsibilities, actively promoted diversity, inclusion, or its specific subtopics in 2024 through additional social involvement.

Organizations and experts can nominate candidates in this subcategory.

Condition: The applicant presents the challenge their nominee aimed to address, the topics and stakeholders they intended to help (issue), their personal involvement (implementation), and how they measure their effectiveness and impact.

In evaluating the applications, we particularly consider the following criteria:

  • effective, creative representation of the values of the Diversity Charter
  • effectiveness and impact: e.g., range of involved participants, change, scope and number of affected/beneficiaries, impact, generation of change
  • credibility, transparency, and consistency of the nominated person
  • volunteer and charitable activities in the nominee's work







Completed applications must be submitted through the registration form by 23:59 on October 15, 2024, and login details will be provided in the confirmation email.

Conflicts of interest exclusions, meaning those who cannot be awarded:

  1. Individuals involved in decision preparation or decision-making in the application process.
  2. Close relatives of persons listed in point 1.
  3. Companies owned by persons listed in point 1.
  4. Organizations where persons listed in point 1. are senior officials or employees.
  5. The organization that founded and presents the award (HBLF).

Evaluation method:

  • Applications will be evaluated by the jury based on the comparison of the program with the organization’s activities and the ranking of the submitted applications.
  • The jury may announce 3 winners in the "Diverse Organization of the Year" category based on subcategories.
  • The jury may announce 2 winners in the "Diversity for Society" category based on company size and revenue (1. SME, NGO, 2. large company).
  • The jury may announce 1 winner in the individual award category "Diversity Ambassador".
  • The jury can announce and present a total of 6 awards at the HBLF year-end and award ceremony. If there are not enough applications in certain categories, the jury may decide not to announce a winner in those categories. The jury may decide to award special prizes to certain applications.
  • Winners will be notified by email about the results of the application.



Award Presentation:

The HBLF Diversity Awards will be presented by the jury and the HBLF president at the HBLF year-end, Diversity Charter signing ceremony.

HBLF reserves the right to make changes.


Congratulations to the 2023 award winners!

Organization of the Year 2023:

  1. Place: Lexmark International
  2. Place: Schneider Electric Hungária Villamosság Zrt.
  3. Place: Tesco Magyarország and Publicis Groupe Hungary

Media for Diversity 2023 Award Winner: Radnóti Theatre

Special Prize – Organization of the Year 2023 in the SME Category: ING Bank

Background Information:

The European Diversity Charter is an initiative launched in 2004 that records and promotes the EU’s workplace anti-discrimination and equal opportunity guidelines among employers. Its aim is to shape attitudes, commit and support organizational leaders in implementing organizational diversity, and inspire the development and rethinking of human resource management.