HBLF and the HBLF-ROMASTER Foundation have moved to a new office building!







MSCI joined the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum in 2018. We are proud to be a member of this prominent organization which provides the opportunity to partner up with companies in different business sectors, shares knowledge and best practices and works on CSR projects.


Sanofi-Aventis is the new member of HBLF!

Sanofi-Aventis is the new member of HBLF!



We are delighted that the Hungarian affiliate of Sanofi, one of the world’s leading companies in life sciences has joined HBLF. We are looking forward to working together!

Borbála Czakó's presidential greeting

Borbála Czakó's presidential greeting

Dear Member companies, Friends, Members of Women Business Leaders Forum, Members of CEO Forum, Supporters of  2020 minimum20, Leaders and Members of HBLF working groups, Participants of the Finance Summit / Hard Talk Events, and all of our friends, supporters who contribute to the success of HBLF and our work!

Schneider Electric Hungary is the new member of HBLF

Schneider Electric Hungary is the new member of HBLF

We are delighted that Schneider Electric Hungary has joined HBLF, we are looking forward to working together! 

We quote Zsolt Veres Executive Director, why it is essential for them to be members of our organization:
"Schneider Electric is a prestigious player in the Hungarian economy. We are convinced that our successes are thanks to our collaboration with partners, customers and developers, and our colleagues.


The private sector has a crucial role to play as an accelerator of social change. Studies show that equality is achievable in the workplace and beneficial to the bottom line. By promoting men and women at equal rates, providing good parental leave and refusing to accept bias and discrimination, businesses can break down barriers and pave the way to a new future.

Under the HeForShe effort, ten business leaders are serving as IMPACT Champions who are already making a difference. Over the next five years, their ten companies should serve as incubators for innovation and role models of gender equality. And over the next 15 years, we aim to achieve both the Sustainable Development Goals and full balance through the “Planet 50-50 by 2030” effort being led by UN Women. The IMPACT Champions can help shorten those timelines and drive equality in critical areas.