HBLF Hard Talk with H.M.A. Iain Lindsay

     H.M.A. Iain Lindsay         and       Borbála Czakó 
        British Ambassador                      HBLF President  
   5 May, 2016, 17:00-19:00
Venue:    MKB Bank, Ballroom (1056 Budapest, Váci u. 38.)
Participation fee:    HUF 25 000 Ft+0% Tax

The HBLF Hard Talk Series are in-depth interviews with hard-hitting questions and sensitive topics being covered as famous personalities talk about their views on economy and sustainability. The talking partner is Ambassador Borbala Czakó, HBLF President. The HBLF Hard Talk Series is organized according to the ‘Chatham House Rule’ excluding the media. 

Invited audience include ‘C-level’ business people, politicians and leading NGOs. 
The Chatham House Rule is a core principle that governs the confidentiality of the source of information received at a meeting. The rule allows people to speak as individuals and to express views that may not be those of their organizations, and therefore, encourages free discussion. Speakers are free to voice their own opinions, without concern for their personal reputation or their official duties and affiliations.



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