Map your contribution to a more equal Europe
Secure visibility for your efforts by including them on our map of events and activities taking place in May. It takes five minutes and can be done in your own language.
Building bridges in 2022
This year’s theme is building bridges. Building bridges between organisations and areas of inclusion and diversity policy (race, gender, age, etc.).We would also like you to build bridges between the different aspects of diversity and make sure that your policies and activities are more intersectional.
Events registered by affiliated partner organisations and organised on their own platforms is free of charge for those interested. The language of the registered events will be Hungarian, English or the language of the respective nation. Events in English or other national languages will be available in the 26 countries of the EU Diversity Charter.
Those who have already expressed their intention to join and organizing an event in the framework of the Diversity Month in May:
Autistic Art Alapítvány, bp, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Coach Team, Concorde, Eaton, Ericsson, Fruit of Care, Holland Nagykövetség, IBM, IFUA Horváth & Partners, JobsGarden, KPMG, Legrand, Magyar Telekom, My Best Self, MVÜK, Óbudai Egyetem, Praktiker, Queritius, Romaster, Robert Bosch, Shell, Speak Up, HBLF X Mentor Program
