HBLF-MagiCom Goalball Competition 2015

The Hungarian Business Leaders Forum will be organizing its Goalball competition again with the help of Magicom Llc. HBLF Member Companies could participate free of charge thanks to the main sponsor of the event, MagiCom Llc.

This charity event is intended to promote sporting opportunities and junior goalball education for the blind and visually impaired. At the same time, we would like to give a chance for our member companies to see this exceptional and exciting sport played sightlessly.

Date: 1st January, 2015, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Venue: Tungsram Sport Club, Megyeri úti Sportcsarnok

(1044 Budapest, Megyeri út 6.)


Join your company and set up your team!

  • Thanks to MagiCom Llc., one of Hungary’s leading informatics outsourcing companies, the main sponsor of the competition, there is no participation fee!
  • Teams with at least three members can participate
  • We are counting on both male and female team members to create equal opportunities
  • short video is available about last year’s competition.


About goalball

  • Participants are blindfolded during the matches, so they have to play on a 9x18 meters field by relying on their hearing only.
  • The game aims to score points while the opposing team tries to prevent this.
  • The goals are 9 meters wide, and they are located at the two ends of the field the entire length of the baseline.
  • The ball is made out of rubber, and it has holes on it so that the noise of the rattles inside can be heard when the ball is moving.


Sponsor opportunities

  • Thanks to the main sponsor of the event, the participation is free. However, we look for further sponsors to cover the expenses of the game (such as catering to athletes, cup, and medals)
  • For partners who support the competition with 50 000 HUF or more, we ensure the opportunity to place­ their at most 6 square meters banner, and we will mention their support in the communication in connection with the HBLF competition.


In case you find the aim noble, the idea intriguing, and you have at least three co-workers who would gladly try out this sport and meet other companies’ co-workers and visually impaired athletes, please send the application form to the office of HBLF (e-mail: hblf@hblf.hu; Fax: 061/330-9985)

Special thanks to the Tungsram SC for offering the venue.

Several introductions and training videos are available on youtube about goalball!
