HR Target Group
Leader: Gothárdi Ibolya
Our mission is to mainstream the concept and best practice of diversity management as part of the sustainable development of business and wider society.
- The Target Group’s flagship program in 2016 was to launch the EU Diversity Charter in Hungary, in partnership with the mtd Consulting and Corporate Community Association (mtd).
- The ceremonial signing of the partnership agreement took place on 7th June.
The signing ceremony of the European Diversity Charter took place in October at the residence of the Ambassador of the Netherlands, where 50 companies declared by their signatures their commitment to reach the goals identified in the Charter created by the EU and tailored to Hungary.At this event, State Secretary for the Labour Market Dr. Attila István Simon and the Head of Representation of the European Commission in Hungary Gábor Zupkó delivered speeches. CSR Europe Executive Director Stefan Crets sent a video message of greetings to Hungary as the 17th country joining the European Diversity Charter. The European Diversity Charter web site can be seen at
A workshop was organised before the reception of the signing ceremony where we set the goal of identifying the focuses of a meaningful and sustainable programme along the values of the Charter that the signing companies would support. We invited Galina Shishkova, Project Manager at CSR Europe, who was the keynote speaker talking on the “Best practices of corporate diversity in the European Union”.
In 2016, the HR workstream met eight times at different venues: E.On Hungary, Hammel&Hochreiter, AON Hewitt, the Pannon Kincstár, Shell Hungary Zrt, Citibank International Limited Hungarian Branch, HQ of Hungarian Telekom and PwC Hungary.

Diversity Target Group Diversity Charter Hungary - Signing Ceremony Diversity Charter Hungary - Workshop
2016.10.20. 2016.10.20
- The Target Group organized ‘Diversity in School – Are you with us?’ video competition prize-giving ceremony on 20th April.
III. place: It is not the surFACE that counts
- This year, the HR Target Group continued its enthusiastic work of expanding a diverse and inclusive culture in Hungary. Unlike the practice of previous years, this year the focus was shifted from jobs to schools, with an aim to target the high school age group to expand and draw young people’s attention to the advantages of diversity and acceptance by promoting a video competition in all secondary schools nationwide.
- This year’s title “a year of learning” was not only chosen because of a large-scale involvement of the school-age population but also because the Target Group learned a lot about generation “Z” communication patterns while analysing together legislation and data protection and best practice in online questionnaires.
If your company would like to join HBLF, please contact us!
Tel:+ 36 30 180 6291
If your company would like to join HBLF, follow the steps below
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1. Choose the Membership level
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2. Fill out our online form here and download the Membership Declaration Form and agree with the content of the HBLF Charter Form. |
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3. Please send the original Declaration Form to the HBLF Office.Address: 1067 Budapest, Podmaniczky u.31. 3. em. 18. |
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4. Become a Member
The Board of Directors shall evaluate the application at its next meeting where a simple majority decision is required for admission. Membership shall be constituted by the resolution on admission and the payment of the membership fee.
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